Great choices with a wide range of applications. When it comes to raw damage potential, few other weapons in Destiny 2 can compare to the spin-to-win buster blade. Swords were already on the upswing (sorry) last season after their rework, but one weapon has made them ubiquitous lately: Falling Guillotine. Standouts: Suros Regime, Gnawing Hunger, The Summoner, The Forward Path Swords A combination of good range, accuracy, and damage potential make these weapons easy to use and effective regardless of what Destiny 2 activity you’re playing. They’ve dominated the PVP meta since last season, and auto rifles show no sign of slowing down. The best of the best, these weapon types are some of the most useful across PVP and PVE in Destiny 2. If you’re seeing this, we haven’t yet gotten around to it or are waiting on more information. We have plans to update this guide following the launch of Beyond Light. The list reflects the meta as of August 2020 - I’ll update it in the future to reflect buffs and nerfs down the line. In making this tier list, I took into account weapon usage, the range of useable weapons within a class, and my own personal experience with Destiny 2. A year ago, nobody would have guessed that auto rifles would dominate the Crucible or that a sword, of all things, would be the DPS weapon of choice for high-level bosses. The Destiny 2 meta is in a very interesting place right now.